What if..

...I think that I'm being pursued by a demon?
Most of them exist just to annoy you and distract you from the greater things in life, like God.
Like hecklers at a sports event. 

Help! It's moving things and scaring the sh*t out of me!
Go see a priest, stat! There's nothing I can do for you. Not my experiences, not my words.
Except pray for you, your strength, and your determination.
Since I am not a priest, I can only work to deliver me, myself, and I.
But if you find yourself with more than you can handle,
talk. to. a. priest.

If the above doesn't help..
Comment somewhere. We'll talk. 
But I'll still most likely recommend you to a priest.

Demons are serious stuff.
If they have the ability to be here physically, they have the ability to hurt you.
Kindred spirits or no.
Don't play with things you can't physically see.