
Yesterday, the priest from the Charismatic Center called. It was sometime in the afternoon.

I was attempting to go to confession, but completely missed the line. This parish had a tendency to be limiting with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. An unofficial cut-off time was established, due to the limit of the number of seats present to be in line for confession.

I barely missed the phone call. And despite attempts to call them back, I opted to listen to the voicemail.

Father acknowledged my call to be part of deliverance ministry and mentioned that there was no one in need of assistance at this time. Except... I was to pray for Lisa, someone along the pipeline he called it, who was in need of prayer.

Today, I have decided to create this as my Spiritual Journal. 
I aspire to write every day, editing my selections at night (for grammar, of course) 
and posting the little nuances at sporadic times throughout the week.

It's something that I've been feeling the call to do. Write & write & write.

But about what? 
I think I know the answer.